How Solar Design Software Helps Contractors Work Smarter

Solar design software is the latest advancement in the solar industry that promises increased productivity, higher efficiency, and less human error. Solar design software represents a distinct advantage for growth-focused businesses looking to streamline sales and minimize administrative work. With solar design software, your design engineers can work smarter, not harder, to complete vital designs, and here’s how.

Follow Up Faster With Our Solar Design Software

Getting your client’s proposal ready for viewing as soon as possible is critical to a higher conversion rate. The longer you wait, the more likely your prospect will backtrack on their decision or decide to go with a different installer. Solar design software allows you to create an accurate and optimal solar installation design in just a few minutes. With SubcontractorHub, you can save hours of time every week, which can be used to follow up with new leads and focus on the aspects of your business strategy which matter most.

Proposals That Close Deals

customized solar proposal with our solar design software

A detailed, fully customized solar proposal must include a top-quality solar design. Customers need to visualize their sustainable future and want to receive that vision of maximum efficiency as quickly as possible. With SubcontractorHub’s proposal builder software, you can design a solar installation and add materials, discounts and financing options before sharing your proposal with customers via email or DocuSign. Our software allows solar construction businesses the ability to customize their proposal design. The design automatically applies to each proposal you create, ensuring you send off an attractive, deal-closing proposal every time.

Reduce The Cost Of Human Error

One mistake can turn a sure profit into an immediate loss. Solar design software provides 100% accurate measurements, ensuring you order the correct amount of materials for every project. Over-ordering materials cause significant losses and negatively impacts your bottom line. With SubcontractorHub, you can make sure you reduce the cost of human error and order only as many materials as you need to complete your projects successfully.

Accurate Measurements With No Manual Work

accurate measurement with our solar design software

Reducing the time it takes to go from initial contact with your prospect to sharing their proposal is essential to improving sales. However, waiting around for report providers to provide you with the necessary information removes the ability to do so, as does taking manual measurements at your prospect’s location. SubcontractorHub’s AI design and self-design tools utilize LIDAR technology to get the most accurate measurements. Why waste time traveling out to the on-site location and measuring every dimension by hand? With the help of SubcontractorHub’s state-of-the-art solar design software, you can get 100% accurate measurements in just a few minutes.

Foster Customer Loyalty

A little-known benefit of solar design software is how it impacts customer satisfaction. Solar design software not only helps you showcase the most efficient design but can also help explain to your prospects how much they can save on their electricity bills. SubcontractorHub’s solar proposal contains all the details your customers need to make an informed decision and sign on the dotted line.

Work Smarter With SubcontractorHub

SubcontractorHub solar design software

SubcontractorHub is easy to understand, and its user-friendliness ensures you’ll see an immediate improvement in your sales process. We provide not just one but several solar design tools. SubcontractorHub’s AI design tool generates the optimal solar installation design; you only need to adjust the offset according to your client’s preferences. With the self-design tool, you can customize each aspect of your client’s solar design, from solar panel amount to direction. We also provide handy integrations with popular report providers for those looking to benefit from SubcontractorHub’s efficiency while still utilizing the tools they are comfortable with.

Ready to revolutionize solar design and solar sales? Sign up for your SubcontractorHub plan today!

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