How can I send solar proposals to potential clients?

A solar proposal is your first contact point with a potential client. This is one of the most important documents you will develop in running a successful business because it is the tool you use to convert an opportunity into an actual customer. Solar installation is a long sales cycle; you need to find ways to keep your leads interested and excited about solar. You also want to streamline your processes to spend less time on proposals, spreadsheets, and contracts to get back outside and grow your business. Many tools make it easy for solar installers to send proposals directly to potential clients. These tools save you time while also making your proposal process more personal. This blog is based on tips on creating an effective solar proposal that will convert your prospects into paying customers.

Elements Of A Solar Proposal That Unlocks The Sale

To create a proposal that will make customers want to buy your product, you must find the perfect balance of providing too much detail, which will only overload them with unnecessary information, and too little detail, which will leave them with more questions than answers. Here are the essential components you need for a proposal that is sure to seal the deal: blog6-image-1

Solar Installation Costs

The most crucial thing for your customers is how much it costs to buy and install solar panels. Your customers want to know how much they'll have to spend. It's tempting to try to hide this information. Instead, make it clear that the price is an investment that will save the customer money in the long run. It's essential to explain your customer's return on investment in detail, as many customers focus on pricing. In addition to outlining the ROI as a percentage figure, you should also include estimates for savings in the first month, year, and over the lifetime of the solar investment. Also, have the payback period and estimates for increased property value and carbon offsets. blog6-image-2

Solar Financing & Incentives

If you offer multiple financing options, include different breakdowns of the customer's ROI for each option. It's also a good method to list the names and credentials of any lenders or financing partners with whom you work. This will create credibility among your customers that they are working with a reputable company. Incentives like tax credits, rebates, and net metering are important to consider when making the switch to solar power because they can significantly lower the overall cost of the system. When customers are aware of all the available options, they can make the best decision for their needs.

Warranties & Guarantees

In the United States, the average coverage for a photovoltaic panel is 20-25 years, whereas an inverter or battery typically has a warranty that ranges from 5-15 years. It is important to highlight your product's warranty in your proposal so that potential customers are aware of what they are purchasing. blog6-image-3

Turn Your Solar Proposal into a Sales Machine

For many solar panel installers, creating proposals is often the most tedious and monotonous part of the job. But having a set proposal template and checklist can help to speed up the process. Additionally, using construction CRM software to automate some of the more repetitive and time-consuming tasks can make the proposal creation process more enjoyable and often result in happy customers. At SubcontractoHub, we provide a complete one-stop construction sales enablement solution that helps you create stunning proposals in minutes. With our fast and easy construction sales enablement tool, you can save time and energy while still delivering high-quality proposals to your clients. We also offer excellent project management software for subcontractors to help you manage your construction business more effectively. blog6-image-4

To create a customer and build a proposal, sign in to your account or create a new one if you haven't already. Then, click on "New Customers." You'll be able to type in the location and quickly locate the roof. Our dynamic Measurement tools will then calculate the solar panel area accurately. After that, add the required materials and add-ons. You can explore and select from different finance options, shorten your loan process, and get fast solar financing with our top financing API partners: Goodleap, Sunlight Financial, and Mosaic. Our top-of-the-line software will help you create a breathtaking solar proposal design that will stand out among the rest. View a PDF document list, select your proposal design, and add or rearrange sections. In minutes, our subcontractor software will automate all your desired details into a stunning solar proposal. Get started today by booking a demo!

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