How to Create Winning HVAC Proposals with SubcontractorHub

The HVAC business plays a vital role in the construction market. However, these businesses often face many difficulties, making it difficult to consistently achieve goals, with sales inefficiency being chief among them. Most of the problems arise when it comes to making branded proposals and closing deals. How efficiently you create and distribute your HVAC proposals will determine your business's success. The industry is evolving so fast, and clients now only look out for and choose an installation service that can meet their needs quickly and efficiently without compromising on quality or communication. How quickly you can send over a proposal and contract can make or break your deal.

At SubcontractorHub, we provide an all-encompassing sales enablement and project management software for HVAC businesses. The software includes various features that can boost HVAC sales, from the proposal builder to the PDF manager and reports. This blog will focus on the proposal builder as a sales-boosting feature for HVAC businesses.

How SubcontractorHub Simplifies HVAC Proposals

proposal builder SubcontractorHub

With all features in one place so that you don't have to scroll through or go to different applications, SubcontractorHub represents the epitome of sales efficiency. As soon as you add a new customer, you can proceed to the proposal builder, where you can add HVAC units, adders, discounts and financing options in just minutes. Our platform includes an extensive database, which you can add to with the specific products you use, including HVAC adders such as AC pads, duct runs, zone control, humidifiers, and more. When you create a proposal, you can add the products you need without searching for their details outside the platform.

We’ve also made offering to finance to clients incredibly easy. You can provide your client with the best loan for their needs with the help of our finance partners or add a custom loan of your own through the lender's module. Lastly, you can add discounts in just a few clicks, closing your proposal. Guess what? The whole process takes less than five minutes.

The proposal builder doesn’t just speed up the compilation of a proposal; we’ve also included a range of options for the distribution of proposals. Once complete, a proposal can be either be downloaded or sent via email. SubcontractorHub integrates with DocuSign as well, making it easy to send documents to clients who prefer dealing with you online rather than signing in person.

If you’re still not convinced that SubcontractorHub can help you, consider this: we simplify proposal design and eliminate human error. You can choose the design of your proposal, and it will automatically apply to each proposal without the need to do anything yourself. This ensures you can send out an attractive, deal-sealing proposal every time without double-checking that everything looks good design-wise. Our software also provides that human error is reduced to an absolute minimum. Ever sent out a proposal with mistakes and wondered how you never noticed? Perhaps you were in a rush. Either way, SubcontractorHub automates as many steps as possible, so there’s little margin for human error.

If you ever need to make changes to your initial proposal, be sure to check out our PDF manager feature. You can add or remove sections and process change orders with this feature. The best part is that both the proposal and change order features are combined in our software, so you won’t have to chase a paper trail each time a customer requests a modification of their order.

Choose SubcontractorHub for Building HVAC Proposals

building hvac proposals with SubcontractorHub

As an HVAC contractor, you likely face difficulties on a daily basis while trying to make branded proposals efficiently. It's a big challenge to make proposals and implement them without using technology these days, seeing how the HVAC industry is growing and changing rapidly.

We know that many businesses still use the pen-and-paper method to maintain their sales, which can be overwhelming and stressful and cause them to miss out on small details such as incorrect calculations, excess materials and overlooked costs.

HVAC contractors not only face the above issues, but sometimes fall short when it comes to presenting their work. SucontractorHub offers an easy-to-use platform where contractors can build eye-catching proposals, share proposals and contracts, and track project progress without ever missing a step.

Why wait to build winning HVAC proposals that get clients to sign on the dotted line? Join SubcontractorHub now.

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